Definition / Belongs to this divisionThis division includes:
- manufacture of hand-held means of transport: barrel, handcart, sledge, shopping trolley, etc.
- manufacture of animal-drawn vehicle: sand trolley, donkey wagon, hearse, etc.
It does not belong to this sectorThis division excludes:
- manufacture of self-propelled or non-self-propelled industrial vehicles (with or without hand-lift), with or without lifting gear, see> 2822 - Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
- manufacture of decorative restaurant serving rolling furniture (such as trolleys, sideboards), see 3101 - Manufacture of office furniture
- manufacture of hand-held means of transport: barrel, handcart, sledge, shopping trolley, etc.
- manufacture of animal-drawn vehicle: sand trolley, donkey wagon, hearse, etc.
It does not belong to this sectorThis division excludes:
- manufacture of self-propelled or non-self-propelled industrial vehicles (with or without hand-lift), with or without lifting gear, see> 2822 - Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment
- manufacture of decorative restaurant serving rolling furniture (such as trolleys, sideboards), see 3101 - Manufacture of office furniture