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NACE Code 1814 - Bookbinding, related services

Definition / Belongs to this division This division includes:
- binding, assembly / lamination and other post-pressure ancillary activities, e.g. books, brochures, magazines, catalogs, etc. and binding and finishing services such as folding, cutting and trimming, assembly, wire stitching, thread stitching, gluing, cutting and cover laying / gluing, gluing, collation, felting, gilding; spiraling and plastic "" threading ""
- binding and finishing services for printed paper and board, such as folding, embossing, drilling, punching, perforating, embossing, gluing, laminating
- CD-ROM finishing services
- finishing services for customized mailing, such as envelope preparation (addressing)
- other finishing services such as cutting, embossing or foil printing, copying in Braille

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