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NACE Code 33 - Repair and installation of industrial machinery, equipment and tools

Definition / Belongs to this divisionThis sector includes the specialized repair of products manufactured in the manufacturing industry with a view to the proper functioning of machinery, apparatus and other products. The sector also includes general and regular maintenance (i.e., servicing) of products, which ensures efficient operation and helps prevent unexpected machine failures and unnecessary repairs.

This sector includes only specialized repair and maintenance activities. A significant proportion of repairs are also carried out by the manufacturers of machinery, equipment and similar products themselves, in which case the entity is classified according to the value added principle, as is often the case for complex goods production activities. The same principle applies to complex cases of trade and repair.

Manufacturing is the conversion or reprocessing of machinery and equipment and therefore belongs to another sector of this industry.

Repair and maintenance of goods that are used both as means of production and as consumer goods is included in the repair and maintenance of household goods (eg repair of office and home furniture, see 95.24).
also belongs to this sectorThis sector also includes:
- on-site installation of machinery

However, the construction industry includes the on-site installation of equipment that is an integral part of buildings, such as electrical installation, elevator installation, escalator installation, or installation of air conditioning systems.
It does not belong to this sectorThis sector excludes:
- cleaning of industrial machinery, see 81.22
- repair and maintenance of computer and communication equipment, see 95.1
- repair and maintenance of household goods, see 95.2

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